Friday, July 3, 2009

facebook vs LinkedIn for business

I'm still working on establishing my facebook presence for my business. While I have a fan page for my product, to date, I have used facebook primarily as a tool for maintaining personal relationships with friends and family.

While there is some overlap with my LinkedIn connections, my facebook participation definitely has a different purpose. I am still working to reconcile how that will fit with facebook as a business tool. I'm all for transparency, but I think there's room for maintaining appropriate boundaries. I understand there are privacy settings etc, but they are somewhat unwieldy and the time it takes to maintain all that concerns me as I already spend a good bit of time engagine in SM. I'm wearing lots of other hats and there's only 24 hours in the day.

Since I began joining relevant LinkedIn groups, my experience as a user has changed dramatically. I routinely have meaningful interactions and make connections that are mutually beneficial. I think that once people begin to understand the value of LinkedIn as more than just an online resume, the value of this tool will become much more dynamic. For those of us who have figured it out, it already is.

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