Thursday, June 26, 2008

Silver Screen Surroundings...

I live in an old house.

I love the movie "Moonstruck". It's on my all time favorite list for all kinds of reasons.

One of the reasons I never grow tired of watching this movie is the house. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the house in that movie. It's so home-y and comforting.

I know everybody is into modern style these days, but I love cozy and familiar and comforting style. The house in this movie has it.

So today I found the coolest blog.
Silver Screen Surroundings Inspiring Movie Set Decor and how to "Get that Look"

It's everything you need to use your favorite movie sets as inspiration to decorate your own home.

This woman, Linda Merrill, is an interior design consultant and writer. Her blog is full of resources and tips for defining the style from your favorite movies and figuring out how to duplicate a room from your favorite set. It's soooooooo cool!

What a great way to decorate - imitate your favorite movie.

What movie would you love to base your decorating on?

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