Sunday, February 10, 2008

Spiritual Needs and Happiness

Considering spiritual needs and happiness.

The need to feel unique, the need to feel a sense of purpose, the need to feel connected with others and with something bigger than me, and the need to understand where I fit in to the big picture.

Find ways to meet these needs in my own life and to look for ways to help others recognize and meet these needs in their own lives.

Celebrate the things that make me different, that make me special - even the littlest things.
Observe others and notice their beauty and uniqueness.

Work to identify my gifts and talents, and use them to the best of my ability as often as possible.
Look for ways to encourage others as they discover, exercise and grow their own talents.

Look for opportunities to make connections with others and with God.
Live a life that expresses gratitude.

Consider the issues that face the world and ask myself what I can do to make a difference in my small part of that big world. Don't live in a bubble. Keep my own challenges, problems and weaknesses in perspective.

Aim for this every day.

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